Growing Steadily—St. Anthony’s High School, Versova

All great things have small beginnings, goes the saying, and this was proved to us when we visited S. Anthony’s High School, Versova. The school captains, with the help of their teachers, have enlisted their fellow students in setting up a vegetable garden and composting their wet waste.
These green leaders eagerly showed us their composting pit, which was set up in April 2010 and dug by the students themselves. Every week, children from each standard take turns bringing wet waste from their homes to fill the pit. The compost is then used to fertilize the vegetable garden. The students are also very proud of the fact that they have taken good care of their compost worms!
The garden comprises several plots where the students have planted leafy vegetables. In fact, they have already ‘harvested’ some of these plots, distributed the veggies among the students who planted them, and replanted the seeds. We were happy to note that the school leaders themselves water the garden, and supervise planting and distribution of the produce.

As summed up by Ms. Purbi, a teacher at St. Anthony’s, ‘Students can learn so much more in school besides studies’. And we are sure that these children are learning lessons for life.


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