The Girls at Apostolic Carmel High School Get Set for a Waste Audit

1st October 2011

The first day of sunny October saw the GreenLine team at Apostolic Carmel High School. The School was participating for the first time in the Green Schools Campaign. That does not however, mean that they have not been doing a great deal for the environment already. The girls of the Nature Club here are called the “Green Giants”, and aptly so, for the work they are doing is nothing short of giant steps in little shoes. The girls have not only been promoting environmental awareness in the school itself, they actually went out into the streets, arming the local market vendors with paper bags in place of the regular polythene bags! Something like that from seventh eighth and ninth standard girls should definitely ring wake-up calls for all adults.

So the activity for the month that the girls here are taking up is the waste audit. The girls want to see their school spic and span within the next one month, and start cutting out on all the excess waste they can. The girls here seemed excited about the whole activity and we are positive that they will conduct a precise exercise on the amount of waste generated and how it can be reduced best. The sessions had about thirty girls, all eager to answer questions and be part of the already-strong movement

We are sure the girls will be strong competitors in the Green Schools Campaign, and will be successful in any green activity they take up. 


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