The Flamingos, Kingfishers, Dolphins and Cheetahs of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Sion

10th August 2011

Before you think that the GreenLine team went on a picnic to a zoo or on a safari without telling you, the title signifies the names of the four groups that were formed at the first ever Green Schools Campaign session at Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC), Sion. The GrenLine team was happy to meet 65 members of the school's Nature Club. 

The students of this school--a new participant in the--were attentive and eager throughout the programme. The session began with the idea that Mother Earth is not very different from our very own homes. The students quickly grasped the concept that the planet is a home to all, and it is our responsibility to take care of her.

The children's response to the movie that followed convinced us of how deeply they appreciate our planet--they clearly felt the need to take definite steps to protect their environment. The session continued with a discussion on the very first activity that the Nature Club will do--a series of interviews with students, teachers, and school staff about the various aspects of water and energy conservation, waste, and responsible lifestyles. Judging by their active participation, we are sure that the school will soon be abuzz with the Green Spirit of these students! 

Happy Green Activism!


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