Excitement Brews for the Girls from St. Paul's Convent High School, Dadar
December 20, 2011

There are so many good things about going to a school where the children take keen interest in the programs that are conducted for them. We at GreenLine especially love it when the efforts of the students are such that they make us want to come over and over again. St. Paul's Convent High School, Dadar is one such school, where we wouldn't mind taking sessions time and again. The girls over here were an excited bunch the last time we came, and this time, their excitement was even more, owing to the fact that those girls who missed the session the last time joined us this time.

The session began with the students conducting a five minute prayer service dedicated to the environment and all the people who make the world a tad greener everyday. Following this, there was a presentation made by the students on the waste audit activity that they had already undertaken. A fairly good presentation, Fr. Savio praised the girls for their unending enthusiasm in environmental issues. It was then time for the GreenLine documentary on water, Jessica's presentation on water statistics for the city of Mumbai, and Alden explained a number of ways the girls could save water. Throughout the session, the girls kept giving smart answers, and seemed happy to take back the information too.
Though all of the students and the teacher helped make the session an interesting one, special mention has to made of Cassandra, who seems to be spearheading the cause in the school. With the interest that Cassandra takes in the subject, no doubt backed by her friends and the teachers, it is not surprising to see her do so well... Here's to seeing many such bright girls from the school becoming environment leaders in the future!!