The Junior Eco Club of St. Stanislaus School, Bandra, Join in the "My School Saves Water Challenge"!!!
16th December 2011
Little did JFK know that when he uttered those brilliant words, that there would be children all over the city of Mumbai being just that- actual change makers and possibly the only reason Mumbai will see the light of a better day in future days to come. The reason we say this is because, besides the thousands of secondary school students who are part of the Green Schools, we are slowly but steadily also having a number of sessions with children from younger classes. We earlier did a mixed session for the boys from the 4th to the 9th standard of St. Joseph High School, Wadala. But our last session was exclusively for the students of the Junior Eco Club of St. Stanislaus School, Bandra and it was possibly one of the most positive sessions we have ever had as the GreenLine team.
The session’s matter was highly diluted to adjust to the mindsets of eight-nine year olds, but as the session progressed, we realized that these boys had a keen interest in what they observed all around them: an environment that was brilliant, now slowly and surely being degraded to a large extent. These boys were also amongst the most environmentally-conscious students we have ever come across, drawing the connection between the environment and everyday-life much better than their older counterparts. The answers to all of the questions were quick and honest, more often than not leading to the boys bursting into laughter every once in a while. Quite a few boys also explained how they did small little things like asking strangers to not litter, or close public tanks when they found one. The boys sat in rapt attention through the two movies, and then were even quick to do the activities that were prepared for them. The final part of “Cut the Flush” was explained to them and they seemed very excited to try it out and also tell others about it.
“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” – John F Kennedy
We would like to thank the Principal of the Primary School and Teacher Bindu for having us take this fun and light session, which made us realize that though one is small in size and age, it doesn’t necessary mean that they can’t do things to make the world a better place for all!