Sacred Heart ,Vashi Soak In The Green!
21st December
At the start of the session, the Eco club members presented a Bracelet made of palm leaves to the GreenLine Team, followed by an informative presentation by Ritihka Kumar from the Eco club who participated in the field visit organized by TERI under the project SEARCH to the Vapi Based Daman Ganga Company which recycles the Tetrapak cartons to create a diverse line of products ranging from roofing sheets to benches to books which she visited during this field trip. Following this, Fr.Savio introduced the topic for the current session 'Water' to the eco-club members.Then we had the screening of the GreenLine Documentary on ' Value Water' after which there was a small interactive discussion about the water issues raised in the documentary. Jessica, then further elaborated on the water stats in Navi Mumbai , water shortage and wastage. Then, Alden gave the students a new set of challenges that they could undertake to save water in their schools and at homes.
The students were all enthusiastic about completing these challenges and We wish them all the best in their endeavors as they strive to make their school a greener one!
Task 6: Reach out to other Schools
Sacred Heart School Eco-Club members Poorva, Rucha, Mahesh and Akhilesh along with their teacher visited one of the new ICSE Schools - Anchorwala Education Society at Vashi to spread environmental awareness among these children. It’s Principal Mrs. Bhanumathi Ramachandran and all the students from 1st to 5th standards were very curious to know about our ‘Water Saving Challenge’.
The session began with an introduction to Greenline and its green school campaign. Poorva proudly presented the activities that led to Sacred Heart School achieving the Greenest School award last year.
Mahesh & Akhilesh presented the power point presentation showing various activities undertaken at Sacred Heart School and this was well appreciated by the students at Anchorwala.
Rucha’s session was on ‘Water Matters’. It was an interactive session. Even though our audience was small children, Rucha did sow the seeds of social values of conservation in their mind.
‘My school saves water challenge’ was presented by Poorva. The school Principal echoed our message in loud and clear voice to her children and exhorted them to bring forth their own unique ideas for water conservation. Their teacher too agreed that they will encourage children to bring up ideas for water conservation.
Our students were very happy about this experience and thankful to Greenline for giving this unique assignment.
Next it was our turn to present this to 8th and 9th standard students of Sainath High School in Vashi. Our students did a good job of presenting the Water Challenge to an enthusiastic group of students. These students will soon be starting similar exercise in their school.
Teacher Nirmala made the session more interactive and effective. After seeing the movie on Water they decided that they will do every possible step to save water. The school environmental science teachers Anand Talati, Deepak Gangane and Satinder Choudhary were very much impressed by the presentation and showed keen interest to emulate such exercises in their school. Principal Ms Lata Pillai stated that the program encouraged their students and teachers. They also want to be part of this activity and commented that this is an excellent initiative which motivates the students to do something to save mother earth.
They showed keen interest to contact Greenline and we have provided them the website of Greenline and the contact details.
We thank Greenline for t this unique experience of our students to be ambassadors for spreading the message of conservation.