One Step at a Time—Auxilium High School, Wadala

20th January 2011
The teachers at Auxilium Wadala are a spirited lot! It was our first visit to the school, and the assignment for the day was to introduce the concept of ‘Green Schools’ to the teachers. For once, we were pretty edgy, wondering how the teachers would respond while they were on the other side of the classroom. But their enthusiasm took us completely by surprise.
The discussion began with the teachers exploring WHY each of us needs to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, and the possible ways to make the idea appealing to children and youth. The group then came up with effective ideas of WHAT can be done in the school to reduce the environmental impact of our daily activities. Finally, the discussion moved to HOW these ideas can be implemented in our schools and homes.

One of the points that left a lasting impression on us was the teachers’ insistence that a change in attitudes and values is as important as executing environmental projects. They were eager to link every aspect of school life—from the curriculum to events and competitions—to the task of creating an environmental consciousness among the students.
Auxilium High School may be taking its first green steps, but we are certain that this is the beginning of a new way of thinking and living for these dynamic teachers and their students.


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