Making Don Bosco Matunga perfectly Eco Friendly

29th January 2011 
Don Bosco High School, Matunga is well known in Mumbai for its excellence in academics, sports and a host of other co-curricular activities. And now the members of its Nature Club have pledged to bring even greater fame to the school by turning it into an Environmentally Friendly School!
The GreenLine team recently conducted a workshop for the members of the school’s Nature Club. The session began with the students sketching posters of what they considered a perfectly eco friendly school campus. They then went on to list which of the depicted measures were already being implemented in the school and what still remained to be achieved.
An activity that is already underway is waste management. The dry and wet waste is being segregated; the dry waste is being sold to recyclers while the wet waste is being turned into compost that is then used in the school gardens. Solar panels have been installed and the school office now runs on solar energy. The students have also started planting a few trees, especially on the front drive of the school.
‘We are making sure that lights and fans are turned off when not necessary, that wastage of water does not happen, and we are also encouraging students who live nearby to come walking to school or by cycle’, one of the club members pointed out. However, many of the club members confessed that they were finding it difficult to convince the other students to adopt these steps. ‘But we won’t give up, we want to make our school a green school’ they exclaimed with determination!
A perfectly green school – now that will be a major feather in Don Bosco, Matunga’s cap!


Shubham Rathod said…
Don Bosco Matunga is doing a very well job.

They take the waste , segregate them, weigh them.

I thimk that this year they are going to get the prize.ou

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