Water Saving Time at St. Joseph School, Wadala

24 November 2011

The boys at St. Joseph High School are always up for a challenge and this could be seen from the fact that for our session with them today, along with the regular 9th standard students, there were also smaller boys from the younger classes! This school has one of the most comprehensive plans to initiate every student into the Green Schools campaign, and today was no different! It was great to have the younger boys join in to the activities to be done in the school.

Due to certain technical difficulties, it was not possible to have the GreenLine movie on water played out.  However, both of the presentations went on well, the first being on water issues in the city of Mumbai, and the second a list of all of the activities the boys would be employing to save water in their school. The boys looked as enthusiastic as always to try out the activities and we are sure they’ll do really well in their effort!

All the best to the boys from St. Josephs!


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