Don Bosco Naigaon Students Make Superb Eco Maps
20th September 2011
The four teams were given four separate tasks: the first team had to present all of the assets that they found in the school; the second team, all the things that needed improvement. The third team looked at all of the assets that were in the immediate vicinity of the school, and the fourth looked into problematic issues in the same area. All of the teams made their presentations substantial by adding powerpoint slideshows, with loads of photographs, and accurate information on the problems that they face. The children not only showed their adeptness at pin-pointing problems that they faced, but also showed quite a mastery by providing feasible solutions for them. Their presentations were followed by a little review of how the activity was, and this in turn led to presentations on the waste problem in Mumbai, and the student's subsequent activity: carrying out a waste audit in the school.
There were a lot of positive things to notice in this particular session. Firstly, each and ever student of the eco-club was involved in the eco-mapping activity. There was real effort put into making the presentations as good as they were, and even the teacher played an active role in making the presentation interesting. Following our talks with the students, many of them went home and sent e-mails to newspaper correspondents on how the roads in their city are in dire need of repairs, and hence showed will and grit to change Naigaon into a more citizen-responsible. Here's hoping that their waste audit presentation will be just as interesting as their earlier one, if not better!