6th September 2011

Our session at Sacred Heart High School Vashi, was very different from all of the other sessions that we've had in this edition of the Green Schools Campaign. For one, even before we could began our session, the students from the Nature Club made a presentation for us, with fantastic photographs, videos and explanations of all of the activities that the school is already implementing. Not surprising then, that this school won the Greenest School award last year! If their presentation is anything to go by, the rest of the schools not only have good competition ahead, but also a whole lot of ideas and suggestions to pick up.

The topic chosen for the session Sacred Heart High School was making a Green Policy for the school. The aim of this assignment is to ensure that the school--which is already active in environmental projects--sustains its green culture even after the current batch of students passes out. This policy-making exercise will involve everyone in the school in drawing up guidelines for a green campus, city, and society. The Nature Club members will therefore be setting the standard for all future students and teachers, and will also learn to plan strategies for advocacy. For a planet that's dying due to several assaults on her ecosystems, students working towards green economies are the need of the hour.
We wish Sacred Heart High School all the best in their environmental endeavours!